Associate Professor
Update: 2025-03-20
Fatemeh Bagherian
Education and Psychology / Psychology
Taught Courses
- Advanced Social Psychology
- Applied Social Psychology
- Critical Analysis of the History and Concepts of Psychology
- Detailed Inveotigation of History and concept of New and Old
- English for Students of Guidance & Counseling
- Fundamental Discussions in Psychology I
- General Psychology
- General Psychology I
- General Psychology II
- History & Disciplines of Psychology
- Independent studies in Clinical Psychology
- Independent studies in Psychology of Exceptional Children
- Independent studies in Psychology of Exceptional Children I
- Independent studies in Psychology of Exceptional Children II
- Industrial & Organizational Psychology
- Industrial & Organizational Psychology
- Population and Family Planning
- Practical Research Project (I) Clinical
- Practical Research Project (II) Clinical
- Practical Research in Psychology
- Psychological and Social Principles of Curriculum Planning
- Psychology Texts in English I
- Psychology of Exceptional Children Texts in English II
- Psychology of Group Dynamics (Emphasizing on Group Therapy)
- Psychometrics
- Schools of Psychology
- Social Cognition
- Social Pathology
- Social Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Social Psychology in Education
- Work Psychology
- تنظیم خانواده و جمعیت