Assistant Professor
Update: 2025-03-27
Masumeh Mousavi
Education and Psychology / Psychology
Taught Courses
- Advanced Physical and Drug Treatment in Mental Illness
- Applications of Play and Art Therapy in The Treatment of Children and Adolescents
- Applications of Psychotherapeutic Methods (individual Internship)
- Child and Adolescent Clinical Neuropsychology
- Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
- Clinical Evaluation 1:Clinical interview
- Clinical Observation
- Cognitive - Behavioral Intervention
- Developmental Psychology (of Adolescence) II
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Disturbed Behavior
- Diagnosis,Treatment and Rehabilitation of Mental Retardation
- Diagnostic Interviewing Techniques
- Evaluation Methods in Clinical Psychology
- Family Therapy and Parental Education
- Fundamental Discussions in Psychology I
- General Physiology
- Introduction to Psychiatry
- Introduction to Psychiatry
- Introduction to Theories of Clinical Therapy
- Introduction to psychiatric treatments
- Language and Thinking
- Legal Issues of Children and Adolescents
- Management of Chronic Illness
- Medical Psychology and Neuropsychology
- Mental Health
- Methods of Evaluation and Diagnosis in Clinical Psychology ( I)
- Methods of Evaluation and Diagnosis in Clinical Psychology (II)
- Motivation & Emotion
- New Issues in Psychopathology
- Overview of Phamacological Treatment of Mental and Neurological Illnesses
- Pharmacological - Physical Treatments
- Practical Research Project (I) Clinical
- Practical Research Project (II) Clinical
- Practical Research in Psychology
- Psychology and Neuropsychology
- Psychology of Individual with Special Needs II
- Psychopathology I
- Psychopathology II
- Psychopharmacology
- Psychosocial Skills and Health Care System
- Psychotherapeutic Techniques with Children and Adolescents
- Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescent
- Qutline of Psychiaty synopsis
- physiological psychology
- physiology of endocrine and nervous system