Pegah Nejat

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-27

Pegah Nejat

Education and Psychology / Psychology

Journal Paper

  1. "Anger and disgust shape judgments of social sanctions across cultures, especially in high individual autonomy societies"
    Per A. Andersson, Irina Vartanova, Daniel V?stfj?ll, Gustav Tingh?g, Pontus Strimling, Junhui Wu, Isabela Hazin, Charity S. Akotia, Alisher Aldashev, Giulia Andrighetto, Adote Anum, Gizem Arikan, Fatemeh Bagherian, Davide Barrera, Dana Basnight-Brown, Birzhan Batkeyev, Elizaveta Berezina, Marie Bj?rnstjerna, Pawe? Boski, Inna Bovina, Bui Thi Thu Huyen, ?or?e ?ekrlija, Hoon-Seok Choi, Carlos C. Contreras-Ib??ez, Rui Costa-Lopes, M?che?l de Barra, Piyanjali de Zoysa, Angela R. Dorrough, Nikolay Dvoryanchikov, Jan B. Engelmann, Pegah Nejat, Kimmo Eriksson
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, 2024
  2. "A Multilab Replication of the Induced-Compliance Paradigm of Cognitive Dissonance"
    David C. Vaidis, Willem W. A. Sleegers, Florian van Leeuwen, Kenneth G. DeMarree, Bj?rn S?trevik, Robert M. Ross, Kathleen Schmidt, John Protzko, Coby Morvinski, Omid Ghasemi, Andrew J. Roberts, Jeff Stone, Alexandre Bran, Amélie Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, Ceren Gunsoy, Lisa S. Moussaoui, Andrew R. Smith, Armelle Nugier, Marie-Pierre Fayant, Ali H. Al-Hoorie, Obed K. Appiah, Spencer Arbige, Benjamin Aubert-Teillaud, Olga Bialobrzeska, Stéphanie Bordel, Valerian Boudjemadi, Hilmar Brohmer, Quinn Cabooter, Mehdi Chahir, Ianis Chassang, Pegah Nejat, Daniel Priolo
    Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, Vol. 7, pp.1-26, 2024
  3. "Moral foundations are better predictors of belief in COVID-19 conspiracy theories than the Big Five personality traits"
    Pegah Nejat, Ali Heirani Tabas, Mohammadmahdi Nazarpour
    Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 14, pp.1-9, 2023
  4. "Impact of Actor's Initial State of Engagement in a Course of Action on Judgements of Post-decisional Regret and Joy: Revisiting Kahneman and Tversky (1982)"
    Mahya Sepehrinia, Pegah Nejat, Reyhaneh Baniyaghoub
    Spanish Journal of Psychology, Vol. 26, pp.1-8, 2023
  5. "Veil-of-ignorance reasoning affects moral judgment and cognitive flexibility in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder"
    Yalda Daryani, Azam Noferesti, Pegah Nejat
  6. "Perceptions of the appropriate response to norm violation in 57 societies"
    Kimmo Eriksson, Pontus Strimling, Michele Gelfand, Junhui Wu, Jered Abernathy, Charity S. Akotia, Alisher Aldashev, Per A. Andersson, Giulia Andrighetto, Adote Anum, Gizem Arikan, Zeynep Aycan, Fatemeh Bagherian, Davide Barrera, Dana Basnight-Brown, Birzhan Batkeyev, Anabel Belaus, Elizaveta Berezina, Marie Bj?rnstjerna, Sheyla Blumen, Pawe? Boski, Fouad Bou Zeineddine, Inna Bovina, Bui Thi Thu Huyen, Juan-Camilo Cardenas, ?or?e ?ekrlija, Hoon-Seok Choi, Carlos C. Contreras-Ib??ez, Rui Costa-Lopes, M?che?l de Barra, Piyanjali de Zoysa, Angela Dorrough, Nikolay Dvoryanchikov, Anja Eller, Jan B. Engelmann, Hyun Euh, Xia Fang, Susann Fiedler, Olivia A. Foster-Gimbel, M?rta Fül?p, Ragna B. Gardarsdottir, C. M. Hew D. Gill, Andreas Gl?ckner, Sylvie Graf, Ani Grigoryan, Vladimir Gritskov, Katarzyna Growiec, Peter Halama, Andree Hartanto, Tim Hopthrow, Martina H?eb??kov?, Dzintra Ili?ko, Hirotaka Imada, Hansika Kapoor, Kerry Kawakami, Narine Khachatryan, Natalia Kharchenko, Ninetta Khoury, Toko Kiyonari, Michal Koh?t, Lê Thu? Linh, Lisa M. Leslie, Yang Li, Norman P. Li, Zhuo Li, Kadi Liik, Angela T. Maitner, Bernardo Manhique, Harry Manley, Imed Medhioub, Sari Mentser, Linda Mohammed, Pegah Nejat, Orlando Nipassa, Ravit Nussinson, Nneoma G. Onyedire, Ike E. Onyishi, Seniha ?zden, Penny Panagiotopoulou, Lorena R. Perez-Floriano, Minna S. Persson, Mpho Pheko, Anna-Maija Pirttil?-Backman, Marianna Pogosyan, Jana Raver, Cecilia Reyna, Ricardo Borges Rodrigues, Sara Roman?, Pedro P. Romero, Inari Sakki, Alvaro San Martin, Sara Sherbaji, Hiroshi Shimizu, Brent Simpson, Erna Szabo, Kosuke Takemura, Hassan Tieffi, Maria Luisa Mendes Teixeira, Napoj Thanomkul, Habib Tiliouine, Giovanni A. Travaglino, Yannis Tsirbas, Richard Wan, Sita Widodo, Rizqy Zein, Qing-peng Zhang, Lina Zirganou-Kazolea, Paul A. M. Van Lange
    Nature Communications, Vol. 12, pp.1-11, 2021
  7. "Do Perceptions of Warmth and Competence Explain Moral Norms Regarding Different Social Roles?"
    Pegah Nejat, Fatemeh Bagherian, Javad Hatami
    Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, Vol. 20, pp.613-637, 2020
  8. "The impact of outcome framing and psychological distance of air pollution consequences on transportation mode choice"
    Mir Mohammah Hussein, Behrang Koorosh, Isaai Mohammad Taghi, Pegah Nejat
  9. "The impact of social-cognitive categorization of others on implicit and explicit empathy"
    Javad Hatami, Pegah Nejat, Karamali Azadeh
  10. ""
    Zeinab Zamanpour, Shahla Pakdaman, Saeed Ghanbari, Pegah Nejat
    Vol. 19, pp.519-531, 2023
  11. "Effect of viewing female Instagram influencers' selfies on women's attitudes and tendency toward cosmetic surgery as mediated by facial dissatisfaction"
    Fatemeh Tamannaei, Pegah Nejat
    Vol. 17, pp.143-168, 2023
  12. ""
    Reyhane Azizi, Azade Askari, Pegah Nejat
    Vol. 18, pp.198-201, 2023
  13. "The Relationship between Mentalization and Grief Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Developmental Study"
    Aghahosseini Maryam, Shahla Pakdaman, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Pegah Nejat
    Vol. 20, pp.41-53, 2023
  14. "Network Analysis of Consumer Ethnocentrism (The Network of Iranians' Attitude towards Domestic and Foreign Products)"
    Hamzeh Amiri, Fatemeh Bagherian, Pegah Nejat
    Vol. 23, pp.63-82, 2023
  15. "The effect of pictorial induction of death and Coronavirus threat on death thought accessibility: An experimental study based on Terror Management Theory"
    Pegah Nejat, Ali Heirani Tabas
    Vol. 24, pp.71-83, 2022
  16. "Effect of Social Exclusion on State Explicit and Implicit Self-Esteem and the Moderating Role of Trait Explicit and Implicit Self-esteem"
    Mona Farkhondehfal, Pegah Nejat
    Vol. 11, pp.131-145, 2022
  17. "A review of Covid-19 conspiracy theories, and psychological determinants and consequences of belief in them"
    Pegah Nejat, Fatemeh Rezvandel ramzi, Fateme Yalpanian
    Vol. 10, pp.199-212, 2021
  18. "The role of Self-efficacy, Time Perspective, and Conformity Pressure in Temptation for Smoking and Substance Use among University Students"
    Pegah Nejat, Fatemeh Bagherian
    Vol. 14, pp.26-37, 2020
  19. "Psychometric properties of the Persian Moral Foundations Questionnaire in three Iranian samples"
    Pegah Nejat, Javad Hatami
    Vol. 8, pp.107-124, 2019
  20. "The pattern of reliance on moral foundations within mental representations of ideal society, and moral and immoral behaviors in an Iranian sample"
    Pegah Nejat, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari, Javad Hatami
    Vol. 18, pp.27-39, 2016
  21. "Examining social-cognitive characteristics of the mental representation of moral concerns: Grouping, motivational orientation, and relational context of moral foundations"
    Pegah Nejat, Fatemeh Bagherian, Javad Hatami, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 4, pp.109-126, 2015
  22. "The role of group membership and representational strength in the relationship between implicit and explicit cognitions"
    Pegah Nejat, Seyed Saeid Pournaghash-Tehrani, Javad Hatami
    Vol. 3, pp.17-32, 2013
  23. "Influenced by gender-major stereotypes in occupational choice: The distinction between math-engineering and humanities university students"
    Pegah Nejat, Javad Hatami
    Vol. 6, pp.107-122, 2012
  24. "The role of cognitive consistency in the relationship between implicit and explicit social cognition"
    Pegah Nejat, Javad Hatami
    Vol. 1, pp.7-20, 2012
  25. "). Implicit Association Test (IAT): between-constructs comparison and subjects' responding strategies"
    Pegah Nejat, Javad Hatami
    Vol. 14, pp.75-87, 2012
  26. "Gender stereotypes related to different academic fields among Iranian university students"
    Pegah Nejat, Seyed Saeid Pournaghash-Tehrani, Javad Hatami
    Vol. 1, pp.1-18, 2011

Conference Paper

  1. "Morality-as-Cooperation Theory in Iran: Validation of Persian MAC-Q and a preliminary set of moral violation vignettes"
    Pegah Nejat, MAHSA HAZRATI
    SPSP Annual Convention 2024, 2024
  2. "Morality and immigration: Morality-as-Cooperation as predictor of attitude and tendency towards immigration"
    MAHSA HAZRATI, Pegah Nejat
    SPSP Annual Convention 2024, 2024
  3. "The Effect of Pathogen Salience on Endorsement of Moral Foundations: An Experimental Test of Pathogen Prevalence Hypothesis and Terror Management Theory"
    Pegah Nejat, Ali Heirani Tabas
    SPSP Annual Convention 2023, 2023
  4. "Moral Foundations and Covid-19 Conspiracy Beliefs amid the Pandemic"
    Ali Heirani Tabas, Pegah Nejat
    SPSP Annual Convention 2023, 2023
  5. "Emotions in Response to Moral Violations: Test of CAD Triad Hypothesis in Iran"
    Pegah Nejat
    APA Annual Convention 2022, 2022
  6. "The social-relational context of moral judgment, Do we apply different moral standards to different social roles"
    Pegah Nejat
    1st social cognition symposium, 2019
  7. "Mental representation of morality: The endorsement pattern of moral foundations among Iranians"
    Pegah Nejat, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari, Javad Hatami
    sixth International Conference of Cognitive Science, pp.72-76, 2015
  8. "A survey of the effect of culture on the memory related to self and others in college students of Afghanistan, United States, and Iran"
    Bagher Rezaei, Javad Hatami, Reza Kormi-Nouri, H Louis, R Mirzaei, Pegah Nejat, M Ghane
    4th international conference of cognitive science, 2011
  9. "An examination of explicit and implicit associations between self, gender and major in the minds of university students"
    Pegah Nejat, Javad Hatami, Seyed Saeid Pournaghash-Tehrani
    4th international conference of cognitive science, 2011
  10. "Social Neuroscience From Neural Networks to Social Dynamics, Who is a social neuroscientist"
    Pegah Nejat
    12th Neuro Science Congress, Basic and Clinical, 2023
  11. "Belief in culture of honor and judgements about perpetrators and victims of honor aggression"
    Pegah Nejat, Reyhaneh Mirghasemi, Ehsan Zarrinrad
    9th Congress of Iranian Psychological Association, pp.1-4, 2023
  12. "Effect of viewing Instagram female beauty influencers on womens cosmetic surgery intention as mediated by facial dissatisfaction"
    Fatemeh Tamannaei, Pegah Nejat
    The First Conference on Cyberspace, 2022
  13. "Culture, moral foundations, and belief in COVID conspiracy theories"
    Pegah Nejat
    9th international conferences of cognitive science, 2022
  14. "The relationship between news source, positive and negative emotions, and coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic"
    Pegah Nejat
    , No 29 , pp.1714-1719, 2021
  15. "The moderating role of response efficacy in the relationship between perceived severity and coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic"
    Pegah Nejat
    , No 29 , pp.1720-1724, 2021
  16. "Beliefs, coping strategies, emotions, and preventive behaviors amid the COVID-19 pandemic"
    Pegah Nejat
    , pp.198-198, 2021
  17. "Narcissism and big self: Implicit or explicit?"
    Pegah Nejat, Narges Farahi
    8th International Conference of Cognitive Science, 2020
  18. "The effect of prosody on verbal perception in dichotic listening: Does a desperate voice bias attention?"
    Pegah Nejat, Fatemeh Zahra Yaghoubi
    8th International Conference of Cognitive Science, 2020
  19. "Moral Psychology and neural underpinnings of making judgments about good and bad"
    Pegah Nejat
    8th Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Congress, 2019
  20. "Social perception and relational context, How do social roles map into the social-relational space"
    Pegah Nejat
    7th Congress of the Iranian Psychological Association, No 25 , pp.863-866, 2019
  21. "Determinants of drug temptation Personal, social, or both"
    Fatemeh Bagherian, Pegah Nejat
    , 2019
  22. "Personal and social factors contributing to drug temptation among students at Shahid Beheshti University"
    Fatemeh Bagherian, Pegah Nejat
    , 2018
  23. "The moral profile of Iranian male and female adolescents"
    Fatemeh Zekri, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Javad Hatami, Pegah Nejat
    , No 12 , pp.717-721, 2017
  24. "Effect of Message Framing on Individuals' Attitudes and Perceptions regarding Air Pollution in Tehran"
    Koorosh Behrang, Mohammad Hussein Mir, Mohammad Taghi Isaai, Pegah Nejat, Amir Sepehri
    the 15th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering (ICTTE 2015), 2016