Gholamreza Shams

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-27

Gholamreza Shams

Education and Psychology /

Master Theses

  1. Designing and validating the performance evaluation model of elementary teachers in the context of combined learning
    Mahsa Taghipour 2024
  2. identification and adaptation of educational goals and educational evaluation methods in e-learning second primary period
    Mohana Abedini 2024
  3. Competency-based Performance evaluation of novice secondary school teachers in Razavieh
    Mohsen Rahimi 2024
  4. Evaluating the effectiveness of combined courses of in-service training for principals of Razvanshahr schools
    Mohammad Yari rodbarsara 2024
  5. Evaluation of the implementation of the looping system in elementary schools from the point of view of managers and teachers
    Fatemeh Hasanvand 2023
  6. Examining of the lived experience of successful participants in a MOOC-based curriculum;case of study: MOOC in design of digital educiational games
    Maryam Shayestehmehr 2023
  7. Evaluating the competencies of managers in educational organizations
    Afsaneh Khordoostan 2022
  8. Identifying the key competencies of human resource managers of member companies of Iran Khodro Industrial Group and present the proposed model
    Mohammad Hasan Hosein Shahrestani 2022
  9. The role of technology in leadership with a combined exploratory approach of leaders and followers' perspectives
  10. Identifying the challenges and opportunities for the development of organizations through technology model Oil Industry (Case study of the National Iranian Oil Company for Distribution of Petroleum Products in Hashtgerd)
    Khadijeh Ghanbaariha 2021
  11. Pathology of Work Environment of Kashan University of Medical Sciences based on the 5S approach
    Tahereh Mofarrah 2021

  12. Mahsa Noorabonjar 2021

  13. Elham Padash kandeh 2020
  14. Needs Assessment Training Staff of the Health Organization of the Oil Industry : لاتين using the standard skill method
    Hosein Abbasnezhad 2020
  15. Localization of the TOTADO effectiveness evaluation model and its validation
    Zohreh Ebrahimi 2020
  16. Designing a competency-based education model for managers of Shahid Beheshti University
    Zahra Gholizade 2020
  17. Identification of effective components in the development of competency of training managers
    Elham Vosooghifard 2019
  18. succession planning
    Mahdieh Adel 2019
  19. Designing a model for faculty development
    Isa Gholizadeh belkhakanloo 2019

  20. Sara Aminpour Mamaghani 2018
  21. The effect of training and development on employee performance improvement
    Forough Davari 2018

  22. Zohre Jebraeili 2018

  23. Zahra Sayehvand 2017

  24. Seyedehzahra Khezri 2016

  25. Farzane Tari 2016

  26. Raheleh Kalantari 2016

  27. Fateme Moharramzadeh 2016

  28. Manzar Jafari Tavouslou 2016

  29. Poorya Fatehi 2016

  30. Maral Massoudi 2015

  31. Maryam Veiskarami 2015

  32. Farideh Kazemi 2015

  33. Mehrnoosh Khaladj 2015

  34. Mahsa Seifi 2014

  35. Somayeh Shojaei 2014

  36. Hamed Abasikasani 2014

  37. Ali Fatemisefat 2014

  38. Fatemeh Zanganeh 2014

  39. Elaheh Kakavandi 2014

  40. Samira Seyfoddini 2014

  41. Zahra Maarefvand 2013

  42. Elaheh Sadeghinasrabadi 2013