Assistant Professor
Update: 2025-03-27
Masoud Sharifi
Education and Psychology / Psychology
Current courses
Course Name | unit | term |
Learning Psychology | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Advanced Cognitive Psychology | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Advanced General Psychology | 3 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Cognitive Psychology in Education | 2 | first semester Academic year 2024-2025 |
Taught Courses
- Advanced Cognitive Psychology
- Advanced Cognitive Psychology(I)
- Advanced General Psychology
- Application of Diagnostic Method in Clinical Psychology
- Application of Diagnostic Tests in Children and Adolescents
- Career Guidance & Counseling
- Cognitive Psychology in Education
- Developmental Psychology (of Childhood) I
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Learning Disorders
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Psychology
- Fundamental Discussions in Psychology I
- Fundamental Discussions in Psychology II
- General Psychology
- Independent studies in Clinical Psychology
- Independent studies in Psychology of Exceptional Children
- Independent studies in Psychology of Exceptional Children I
- Independent studies in Psychology of Exceptional Children II
- Industrial Psychology
- Issues of Adolescents & Youths
- Language and Cognition
- Language and Thinking
- Learning (Theories & Concepts)
- Learning Disorders
- Learning Disorders
- Learning Disorders (Disabilities)
- Learning Psychology
- Learning Theories and Teaching Patterns
- Personality Psychology
- Practical Research Project (I) Clinical
- Practical Research Project (II) Clinical
- Practical Research in Psychology
- Psychological and Social Principles of Curriculum Planning
- Psychology & Education of Gifted Children
- Psychology of Intelligence and Thinking
- Psychology of Learning
- Psychology of Learning and Thinking
- Psychology of Maladjusted Children
- Psychology of learning and Instruction
- Schools of Psychology
- Seminar in Exceptional Children in the World in Iran
- Speech Disorders & Speech Therapy
- Theories & Application of Cognitive Tests
- Theories and Methods of Education
- Theories of Learning Application
- Work Psychology
- learning disabilities
- organization and ruls of education
- teaching Methods