Mohammad Ghahremani

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-27

Mohammad Ghahremani

Education and Psychology /

Journal Paper

  1. "Digital learning leadership practices in technology integration: A systematic review andframework synthesis"
    Ebrahim Azarshab, Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahmood Abolghasemi, esmaeil azimi
    Iranian Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 3, pp.131-164, 2024
  2. "Comparison of the Views of Headquarters Managers in the Ministry of Islamic Culture and Guidance on the Elements Contributing to the Ethical System Governing the Managers Activities on the Basis of Population Variables"
    , Mohammad Ghahremani, Abasalt Khorasani
    International Journal of Economy Management and Social Sciences, Vol. 4, pp.201-206, 2015
  3. "Effective Factors on On-The-Job Training Courses Effectiveness in National Iranian Oil Products and Distribution Company (NIOPDC)"
    Mahmood Abolghasemi, Kourosh Fathi vajargah, Mohammad Ghahremani, Hamid Rezaei
    visi jurnal akademik, Vol. 7, pp.119-127, 2015
  4. "Investigating and explaining the Relation betveen environmental field fvtor and universities perormance evaluation a case study of Fars and Esfahan Provinces Universities"
    Gholamali Tabarsa, Akram Hadizadehmoghadam, Mohammad Ghahremani, Serajeddin Mohebbi
    International Journal of Scientific managment and development, Vol. 2, pp.658-667, 2014
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    Mahmood Abolghasemi, Kourosh Fathi vajargah, Mohammad Ghahremani,
    newyork science journal, Vol. 11, pp.43-51, 2014
  6. "Structural Analysis of Distributed Leadership Style Effect on Academic Achievements of Students in Tehran Secondary Schools"
    , Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani, Mohammad hasan Pardakhtchi
    ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES, Vol. 65, pp.183-200, 2012
  7. "Designing a school entrepreneurial management model (case study: secondary schools in Mazandaran province)"
    Sajjad Mirzaaghaei sarhammami, Mohammad Ghahremani, Gholamreza Shams, Mahmood Abolghasemi
    Vol. 12, pp.123-144, 2023
  8. "Examining the Educational, Research and Organizational Challenges of New Faculty Members of Kandahar University, Afghanistan"
    Qudratullah Nazari, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Farnoosh Alami, Reza Mohammadi Chaboki, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 15, pp.1-12, 2022
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    Maedeh Zarei Saroukolaei, Gholamreza Shams, Morteza Rezaei-Zadeh, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 13, pp.181-202, 2021
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    Maria Ghorbanian, Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahmood Abolghasemi
    Vol. 17, pp.53-82, 2021
  11. "Learning assessment techniques in university e-learning"
    Maedeh Zarei Saroukolaei, Gholamreza Shams, Morteza Rezaei-Zadeh, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 11, pp.6-33, 2021
  12. "Faculty Learning Community (FLC) as an Endogenous Professional Development"
    Mohammad Ghahremani, Sasan Rostami, Mahmood Abolghasemi
    Vol. 12, pp.43-68, 2021
  13. "Evaluation of the strategic training & development courses according to the Noe Strategic Training & Development Model: (The case study: Rah-e Roshd Educational Complex)"
    Gholamreza Shams, Mohammad Ghahremani, Forough Davari
    Vol. 14, pp.73-112, 2021
  14. "Challenges of Nursing Continuing Education: A Phenomenological Study"
    Nasrin Farzan, Gholamreza Shams, Morteza Rezaei-Zadeh, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 13, pp.382-391, 2020
  15. "Identifying the Effective Indicators in Designing the MobileMooc System for Virtual Teaching of Employees: A Qualitative Study"
    Nasrin Farzan, Gholamreza Shams, Morteza Rezaei-Zadeh, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 11, pp.1-28, 2020
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    Hamideh Pakdamansaran, Farnoosh Alami, Mohammad Ghahremani
    journal of school administration, Vol. 8, pp.439-458, 2020
  17. "Determinants of e-learning effectiveness: A qualitative study on the instructor"
    Maedeh Zarei Saroukolaei, Gholamreza Shams, Morteza Rezaei-Zadeh, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Research in Teaching, Vol. 8, pp.55-79, 2020
  18. "Desining the excellence model of the academic system with emphasis on the European Quality Management Foundation"
    Mahboobe Jamshidi Koohsari, Mohammad Ghahremani, Gholamreza Shams, Mahmood Abolghasemi
    Vol. 11, pp.167-202, 2020
  19. "Identify the factors influencing the strategic development of talent"
    Darush Mehri, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani, hasan mahjoob
    pp.63-89, 2019
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    Mohammad Fetrat, Abasalt Khorasani, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 35, pp.311-348, 2018
  21. "Designing and explaining the model of professional competencies of pre-school center managers"
    Mina Najafi, Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mahboubeh Arefi
    Vol. 9, pp.1-26, 2018
  22. "Content factors of professional development for teachers of special elementary schools for students with intelectual disability"
    Hasan Jafari, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani, Abasalt Khorasani, Moslem Ghobadian
    Vol. 18, pp.77-86, 2018
  23. "Strategic analysis of international scientific collaborations of Iran's top universities from the point of view of their faculty members with fuzzy technique"
    Abbas Ramazani, Mohammad Ghahremani, Mohammad Hassan pardakhtchi, gholamreza zaker salehi
    journal of medical education development, Vol. 10, pp.39-52, 2018
  24. "Evaluation of outputs, effects and consequences of management research in 1992"
    Mohammad Ghahremani, amir baba akbari sari, Kourosh Fathi vajargah, Alireza Moatameni
    pp.43-63, 2017
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    Hasan Jafari, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani, Abasalt Khorasani
    Vol. 5, pp.51-68, 2017
  26. "Evaluation of the quality of academic life of Shahid Beheshti University students"
    zahra moarefvand, Fatemeh Zanganeh, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 7, pp.57-78, 2017
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    Hasan Jafari, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani, Abasalt Khorasani
    Vol. 7, pp.1-24, 2017
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    Hasan Jafari, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani, Abasalt Khorasani
    School Administration, Vol. 5, pp.1-20, 2017
  29. "Presentation of the evaluation model of management research works"
    Mohammad Ghahremani, amir baba akbari sari, Kourosh Fathi vajargah, Alireza Moatameni
    pp.93-119, 2017
  30. "organizational and contextual factors of professional development of elementary teachers in special schools"
    Hasan Jafari, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani, Abasalt Khorasani
    pp.1-20, 2017
  31. "Compiling the professional development program for branch managers and employees in the field of banking and money (case of Cooperative Development Bank)"
    Hassan Aasheghi, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 3, pp.1-20, 2017
  32. "Evaluating the effective criteria on the qualification and selection of university faculty members from the point of view of Shahid Beheshti University faculty members."
    Mahboubeh Arefi, Mohammad Ghahremani, Saleh Rashid Haji Khajeh Loo, Gholamreza Yadegarzadeh
    Vol. 10, pp.1-23, 2016
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    Jafar Amiri Farahabadi, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 8, pp.113-126, 2016
  34. "Pathology of policy research process in Iran's higher education system, a qualitative study"
    Jafar Amiri Farahabadi, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 8, pp.139-171, 2016
  35. "Developing a tool to measure the work-family balance level and examining the status of this concept based on some individual and organizational characteristics of the researched assistants of schools in Varamin city."
    Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Narges Hassanmoradi, Mehdi Vafayizadeh, Maryam Khanabadi
    Vol. 8, pp.55-75, 2016
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    Mahdi Salehi, Kourosh Fathi vajargah, Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahmood Abolghasemi
    Vol. 4, pp.55-77, 2016
  37. "The model of Performance management validation of Kabul University"
    Mohammad Fetrat, Abasalt Khorasani, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 6, pp.157-185, 2016
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    Mohammad Fetrat, Abasalt Khorasani, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 6, pp.158-185, 2016
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    Rahmatolah Allahyari, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani, Abasalt Khorasani
    Vol. 8, pp.729-748, 2016
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    Mehdi Vafayizadeh, Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahmood Abolghasemi
    Vol. 7, pp.9-29, 2016
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    Mohammad Amouzad, Mohammad Ghahremani, Abasalt Khorasani,
    Vol. 2, pp.25-73, 2015
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    mohamadali fetrat, Abasalt Khorasani, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 7, pp.141-174, 2015
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    Mahboubeh Arefi, Mohammad Ghahremani, akbar Khorsandi yamchi
    Vol. 7, pp.41-67, 2015
  44. "The Mediating Role of Dimensions of Psychological Empowerment in Explaining the Relationship between Organizational Learning Mechanisms and Job Satisfaction"
    Mohammad Ghahremani, Gholamreza Shams, Hamed Seyfpanahi
    Vol. 8, pp.67-84, 2015
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    Najmeh Hajipour Abaei, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani,
    Vol. 9, pp.27-62, 2015
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    Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mehdi Vafayizadeh
    Vol. 6, pp.113-134, 2015
  47. "Documenting the experiences of university presidents, a necessity in academic knowledge management"
    , Mohammad Ghahremani, , Mahmood Abolghasemi
    Vol. 8, pp.7-34, 2015
  48. "An evaluation of the performance of Shahid Beheshti University based on the EFQM excellence model"
    Gholamreza Shams, Mohammad Ghahremani, Zahra Maarefvand, Fatemeh Zanganeh
    Vol. 6, pp.39-67, 2014
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    Gholamali Tabarsa, Akram Hadizadehmoghadam, Mohammad Ghahremani,
    Vol. 5, pp.91-117, 2014
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    Abasalt Khorasani, Mohammad Ghahremani, KHALED MIRAHMADY
    Vol. 1, pp.9-39, 2014
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    , Mohammad hasan Pardakhtchi, Mohammad Ghahremani,
    Vol. 19, pp.1-25, 2014
  52. "Investigating the learning atmosphere of the school and its relationship with the effectiveness of the school"
    , Mohammad hasan Pardakhtchi, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 20, pp.101-118, 2014
  53. "Model of teachers' perception and attitude towards professional development in teacher training centers of combined study"
    , Mahboubeh Arefi, Mohammad hasan Pardakhtchi, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 5, pp.26-56, 2013
  54. "Analysis of the consequences and mechanisms of the globalization of higher education curricula"
    Mohammad Atashakmaman, , Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahmood Abolghasemi,
    Vol. 10, pp.37-45, 2013
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    , Mahboubeh Arefi, Mohammad hasan Pardakhtchi, Mohammad Ghahremani
    Vol. 12, pp.149-176, 2013
  56. "investingating the effectiveness of extracurricular activities in shahid beheshti university"
    Mahboubeh Arefi, Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Akbar Khorsandi
    Vol. 6, pp.48-73, 2013
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    Mohammad Khademi Kolahloo, Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahboubeh Arefi
    Vol. 6, pp.27-44, 2013
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    Ali Babazadeh, Mohammad Ghahremani,
    Vol. 1, pp.69-78, 2013
  59. "Reflecting the concepts of global ethics in the goals of education in Iran"
    Mohammad Atashakmaman, Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahmood Abolghasemi, ,
    Vol. 7, pp.1-11, 2012
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    Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mahboubeh Arefi, Mirhamid Khatamikolkhoran
    Vol. 4, pp.13-30, 2012
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    Rooholla Mahdiuon, Mohammad Ghahremani, , Mahmood Abolghasemi
  62. "Evaluation of the electronic training course of the master's degree in information technology engineering of Tarbiat Modares, Khajeh Nasiruddin Tousi and Amir Kabir universities."
    , Mohammad hasan Pardakhtchi, Mohammad Ghahremani, Hayedeh Torabikia
    Vol. 6, pp.107-129, 2012
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    Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahmood Abolghasemi, Mahboubeh Arefi, Mohammad Atashakmaman
    Vol. 5, pp.28-43, 2012
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    Rooholla Mahdiuon, Mohammad Ghahremani, , Mahmood Abolghasemi
    Vol. 45, pp.77-100, 2012
  65. "The role of transformational leadership in promoting the university to an entrepreneurial organization (case study of Shahid Beheshti University"
    Mohammad Ghahremani, Saleh Rashidhajikhajheloo, Aghil Aboochenari
    Vol. چهارم, pp.1-10, 2012
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    Mahboubeh Arefi, Mohammad Ghahremani,
  67. "The concept of administrative corruption in the government education system"
    Mohammad Atashakmaman, Mohammad Ghahremani, Mahmood Abolghasemi,
    pp.1-10, 2011
  68. "Investigating the effect of source of control on job burnout of female teachers of the Literacy Movement in Tehran"
    Mohammad Ghahremani, Zahra Arasteh Nazar,
    pp.1-10, 2011
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    Mohammad Ghahremani, Mohammad hasan Pardakhtchi
    pp.25-39, 2010
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    Mahboubeh Arefi, Mohammad Ghahremani, Morteza Rezaei-Zadeh
    Vol. 3, pp.94-129, 2009