Mahdi Shaghaghi

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-27

Mahdi Shaghaghi

Education and Psychology /

Journal Paper

  1. "Scenario-Based Assessment of Moral Sensitivity: Case of Iranian Public Librarians"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, Ali Azimi
    Public Library Quarterly, Vol. -, pp.1-19, 2023
  2. "Educational Needs of Iranian Rural Librarians: An Exploratory Study"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, Mohammad H. Hosseini
  3. "Relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention in medical library and information science students: an Iranian perspective"
    Ronak Hamzehei, Mohammad-Karim Saberi, Zahra Moradi, Zhaleh Moradveysi, Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Library Philosophy and Practice, Vol. 25, pp.1-13, 2022
  4. "Knowledge creation environment in Iranian universities, a case study"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, Amir Ghaebi, Seyedeh Fariba Ahmadi
    International Journal of Information Science and Management, Vol. 18, pp.65-81, 2020
  5. "An Investigation into the Underpinning Factors of Plagiarism among Universities in Iran"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, Mohammad-Reza Vasfi
    LIBRI, Vol. 69, pp.201-212, 2019
  6. "A Critical Review on "Statistics in Scientometrics and Knowledge and Information Science""
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 24, pp.109-131, 2024
  7. "A S tudy on the Social Responsibilities of Iranian Public Libraries"
    Parniyan Isazadeh, Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 30, pp.28-46, 2024
  8. "what makes a good novel"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Sipdah-i dn, Vol. 18, pp.128-135, 2024
  9. "Strategic Prediction of Electronic Book Digital Marketing"
    Somaye Zamani, Mahdi Shaghaghi, Mehdi Alipour Hafezi, Mohsen Haji Zeinolabedini
    Vol. 3, pp.17-38, 2024
  10. "On the Importance of Scientific Translation and a Critical Review on the Book "Personal Knowledge Management"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 23, pp.1-25, 2024
  11. "disinformation and moral responsibility, a study in moral philosophy"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    PHILOSOPHICAL MEDITATIONS, Vol. 13, pp.279-328, 2023
  12. "Applying the DeLone and McLean Model for Assessment of Golestan, a Case Study"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, Nikou Deghannezhady, Mohammad javad Tarang, Fatemeh Mohammadkhani, Zarrin Modarres vahid
    Vol. 57, pp.15-28, 2023
  13. "nteractional effects of Macro Scale Social Factors in the Plagiarism Phenomenon: a case of Iran"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Iranian Journal of Information Processing Management, Vol. 37, pp.411-438, 2022
  14. "Carnapean semantic and its implication for Ontological information retrieval"
    Taher Nasiri, Nosrat Riayi-nia, Narges Neshat, Mahdi Shaghaghi, Rasoul Rasouli-pour
    Vol. 8, pp.1-18, 2021
  15. "a critical approach to professional ethics in Library and Information Science"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 20, pp.223-242, 2021
  16. "Studying Moral Tendencies of Information Professionals by Problematic Ethical Dilemmas"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Iranian Journal of Information Processing Management, Vol. 35, pp.577-604, 2020
  17. "Personal Characteristics and Practical Skills of a Childrens Librarian in Iran"
    Nader Adbari baris, Mahdi Shaghaghi, Amir Reza Asnafi
    Vol. 6, pp.81-112, 2020
  18. "A critical approach to A Concise Introduction to Mixed Methods Research with Rhetorical Analysis"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 20, pp.221-239, 2020
  19. "Philosophical Approach to Autonomy and a scale for Measuring Ethical Autonomy of Public Librarians"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 25, pp.191-231, 2019
  20. "an approach to the concept of plagiarism and the most important plagiarism-check soft wares"
    Khoshian Nahid, Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 12, pp.138-156, 2019
  21. "Construction and Validation of a Questionnaire for Measurement of Structural Factors Affecting University Students Plagiarism"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 29, pp.8-29, 2018
  22. "A Conceptual Analysis of Epistemological Pre-assumptions of Floridi's Theory of Information Ethics"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 5, pp.30-43, 2018
  23. "Ontological Foundations of Floridis Information Ethics Theory"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, Mohammad Reza Vasfi, Mohsen Javadi
    Vol. 21, pp.7-29, 2016
  24. "Intellectual Foundations of Ontologies in Quine Philosophy"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, Fadaie Golamreza
    Vol. 5, pp.119-137, 2016
  25. "An Inquiry in the Historical Foundations of Information Ethics in LIS Professional Practice"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, Mohammad Reza Vasfi
  26. "Sociological Definition and Categorization of Information Ethics"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, Mohammad Reza Vasfi
    Vol. 2, pp.68-76, 2015
  27. "What definition of information would be emancipatory"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 1, pp.173-182, 2014
  28. "what is the intersection of communication theories with LIS professional problems"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 16, pp.119-142, 2013
  29. "Application of Critical Discourse Analysis in LIS Research Field A Conceptual Analysis"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, Fadaie Golam Reza
  30. "An Inquiry in the Dialectical Approach to Reading"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 18, pp.25-50, 2012
  31. "Simulative Nature of Signs in Virtual Reality"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 63, pp.113-117, 2012
  32. "genaralization of porters value chain to operations of special libraries and effects of IT on it"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, naghshineh nader
    Vol. 15, pp.40-60, 2011
  33. "Investigating Correlation between Playing Computer Games and Readership among K-8 Students Case Study of Karaj City"
    Leili Sharifi, Mahdi Shaghaghi, Saber Sharifi
    Vol. 3, pp.13-35, 2011
  34. "Effect of Job Satisfaction and Stress on Pursuing the Conflict Management Strategies by Librarians of Iran Public Libraries Foundation"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, RohoLLah Abbasi, Reza Abbasi, Mohammad Reza Borzooei
    Vol. 17, pp.53-70, 2011
  35. "Feasibility Study of Collaborative Collection Development (CCC) among General Universities in Tehran City"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, Golamreza Fadaie, Fatemeh Fahimnia
    Vol. 2, pp.69-92, 2011
  36. "Public Libraries and Analysis of Their Social Functions as a Communicative Foundation"
    Jalal Ghafari Ghadir, Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 16, pp.5-38, 2010
  37. "Subject Similarities and Citation Similarities A Study on Library and Information Science Dissertations"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi, Abbas Horri
  38. "public library and the social constructions of reality"
    Ahmad parsazadeh, Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 15, pp.29-60, 2010
  39. "View of Archivists of Central Archive and Information Production Unit of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting About Necessity and Importance of In-Service Training"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 48, pp.51-74, 2009
  40. "Knowledge Management and Information Libteracy and their correlations in Marketing Environment"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Vol. 19, pp.107-126, 2008
  41. "Review of Online Thesauri Compilation Methods"
    Mahdi Shaghaghi
    Iranian Journal of Information Processing Management, Vol. 1-2, pp.81-105, 2007