Neda Nazar Boland

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-27

Neda Nazar Boland

Education and Psychology / Counseling

Journal Paper

  1. "Effectineness of Cogntive Behavioral Therapy for Mutiple Sclerosis (MS)"
    Neda Nazar Boland, Maryam Tehranizadeh, Farzaneh Mozaffarinejad
    international journal of behavioral sciences,
  2. "Neurological Evidence for Impairment of Supervisory Attentional System in Impulsive Children"
    Farzaneh Mozaffarinejad, Neda Nazar Boland, Fatemeh Sadeghihasanabadi
    Studies in Medical Sciences, Vol. 32, pp.213-224, 2021
  3. "The Role of Anxiety in Executive Functions of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Mathematical Learning Disability Comorbidity"
    Neda Nazar Boland, NARGES ABEDINZADEH, Saeed Ghanbari
    Journal of Neurodevelopmental Cognition, pp.1-11, 2018
  4. "Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Fatigue"
    Neda Nazar Boland, Maryam Tehranizadeh, Farzaneh Mozaffarinejad
    international journal of behavioral sciences, Vol. 11, pp.19-24, 2017
  5. ""
    Neda Nazar Boland, Parvin Amini Yegane, Hajar Falahzade
  6. ""
    Sara Noori Sandyani, Hajar Falahzade, Taghi Pourebrahim, Neda Nazar Boland
  7. "The effect of computer-based cognitive rehabilitation on the cognitive regulation of emotion and understanding of emotion in students with specific learning disabilities"
    Salar Nazarzade gigloo, Jalil Fath Abadi, Vahid Nejati, Neda Nazar Boland, Vahid Sadeghi-Firoozabadi
    Vol. 11, pp.31-47, 2023
  8. "The Comparison of the Emotional Reactivity and Theory of Mind of Girls based on Mothers' Emotional Expression Styles"
    Samin Baharshanjani, Neda Nazar Boland, Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 16, pp.11-34, 2023
  9. ""
    Fariba Tabkhi, Hajar Falahzade, Neda Nazar Boland
    Vol. 81, pp.180-210, 2022
  10. "Acceptance and Commitment Group Training based on Improve Positive Emotions towards the Spouse in Women with Emotional Divorce"
    MOHAMADREZA RASHIDI, Neda Nazar Boland, Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 17, pp.633-648, 2022
  11. "Effectiveness of Computerized Cognitive Rehabilitation on working memory, sustained attention and math performance in children with autism spectrum disorders"
    Neda Nazar Boland, Elham Nohegari, Vahid Sadeghi-Firoozabadi
    Vol. 2, pp.273-295, 2019
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    Neda Nazar Boland, Parvin Aminiyeganeh, Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 9, pp.1-8, 2019
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    Neda Nazar Boland, Ameneh Tahmasi Gizeh, Vahid Nejati
    Vol. 7, pp.122-140, 2019
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    Hajar Falahzade, Sara Noori, Taghi Pourebrahim, Neda Nazar Boland
    Vol. 14, pp.135-150, 2018
  15. ""
    Parvaneh Sabzevari, Saeed Ghanbari, Neda Nazar Boland, Haniyeh Lavaf
    Vol. 7, pp.31-50, 2018
  16. ""
    Neda Nazar Boland, Rezvaneh Rahmani Firozjaee, mehdi rahmani, mohammad amin erfanmanesh
    Vol. 1, pp.177-190, 2018
  17. "Effectiveness of Accepance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Wemon s marital disaffection and marital quality"
    Amin Nazari, Hajar Falahzade, Neda Nazar Boland
    Vol. 43, pp.433-453, 2017
  18. "The Study of the Relation of Early Maladaptive Schemas and Differentiation with the extent of marital adjustment"
    Seyedeh Fatemeh Raees Alsadati, Neda Nazar Boland, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
    pp.28-35, 2017
  19. "The efficacy of Coping Cat cognitive-behavior therapy on somatic complains of girls and boys with anxiety and depression disorders"
    maryam tehranizadeh, Neda Nazar Boland, Ghasem keshavarz gerami
    Vol. 35, pp.27-43, 2015
  20. ""
    mojtaba khodadadi, Neda Nazar Boland, parviz azadfallah, ali fathi ashtiyani, hassan ashayeri
    Vol. 1, pp.51-65, 2012
  21. ""
    Neda Nazar Boland, Parviz Azadfallah, ali fathi ashtiani, hassan ashayeri, khodadadi mojtaba
     JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Vol. 5, pp.287-296, 2012
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    Neda Nazar Boland, ali fathi ashtiani, parviz azadfallah, hassan ashayeri
    Vol. 5, pp.23-33, 2012
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    Neda Nazar Boland, parviz azadfallah, hasan ashayeri, ali fathiashtiani
    Vol. 5, pp.23-33, 2011
  24. ""
    Neda Nazar Boland,
    Vol. 15, pp.308-313, 2009
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    Neda Nazar Boland, ,
    Vol. 1, pp.28-42, 2007
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    Neda Nazar Boland
    Vol. 5, pp.68-70, 2006

Conference Paper

  1. "Do Brain/behavioral Systems Mediate the Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Executive Functions?"
    Saeed Ghanbari, Neda Nazar Boland, Fatemeh Nepton
    26th European Congress of Psychiatry, 2018
    NARGES ABEDINZADEH, Neda Nazar Boland, Saeed Ghanbari, Mitra Hakim Shooshtari
    7th International Conference of Cognitive Science, pp.98-98, 2017
  3. "Executive functioning impairments in adolescents with early diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder"
    Neda Nazar Boland
    25th European Congress of Psychiatry, pp.217-218, 2017
  4. "Executive functioning response inhibition and attentional process impairments in impulsive children"
    farzaneh Mozafarinejad, Neda Nazar Boland
    25th European Congress of Psychiatry, pp.126-126, 2017
  5. "BMI predicts emotion-driven impusivity and sensitiity to reward and punishment in over-obese adolescents"
    Neda Nazar Boland
    23rd EuropEan CongrEss of psyChiatry, 2015
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    Saeed Ghanbari, Neda Nazar Boland
    The 5th Asia - Pasific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference APIEMS 2004, 2004
  7. ""
    Neda Nazar Boland
    , pp.141-141, 2023
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    mozaffarinezhad farzaneh, Neda Nazar Boland
    , pp.9-10, 2023
  9. ""
    Neda Nazar Boland, Samin Baharshanjani, Hajar Falahzade
    , pp.32-33, 2023
  10. ""
    Neda Nazar Boland, Zahra Ajorlou
    , pp.2-3, 2023
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    Neda Nazar Boland, Roxana Ghorbani abiyaneh
    , pp.6-7, 2023
  12. ""
    Tannaz Zare, Hajar Falahzade, Neda Nazar Boland
    , pp.841-865, 2021
  13. ""
    Fariba Tabkhi, Hajar Falahzade, Neda Nazar Boland
    The first Iranian congress of positive psychology, 2019
  14. ""
    Fariba Tabkhi, Hajar Falahzade, Neda Nazar Boland
    The first Iranian congress of positive psychology, 2019
  15. ""
    Sara Noori Sandyani, Hajar Falahzade, Taghi Pourebrahim, Neda Nazar Boland
    , 2017
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    Nikoo Zarfeshan, Neda Nazar Boland, Hajar Falahzade
    , 2017
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    Mahboobeh Karamooz, Neda Nazar Boland, Omid Shekari
    , 2016
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    shahin sadeghian, Neda Nazar Boland, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
    , 2016
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    Marjan Ghasimi, Neda Nazar Boland, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
    , 2016
  20. "The Study of the Relation of Early Maladaptive Schemas and Differentiation with the extent of marital adjustment"
    Seyedeh Fatemeh Raees Alsadati, Neda Nazar Boland, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
    , 2016
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    amin nazari, Hajar Falahzade, Neda Nazar Boland
    , 2016
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    Parvaneh Sabzevari, Saeed Ghanbari, Neda Nazar Boland
    , 2015
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    Elahe Sadeghi, Neda Nazar Boland, Saeed Ghanbari
    , 2015
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    Neda Nazar Boland,
    , 2015
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    Saeed Ghanbari, Neda Nazar Boland
    , 2015
  26. "Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Fatigue"
    Neda Nazar Boland
    , pp.77-77, 2015