Omid Shekari

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-27

Omid Shekari

Education and Psychology / Psychology

Journal Paper

  1. "Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Strength-Based Parenting Scale in an Adolescent Sample"
    Ahmad Asgarizadeh, Omid Shekari
    Brain and Behavior, Vol. 15, 2025
  2. "Unpacking the underachievement of gifted students: A systematic review of internal and external factors"
    Kosar Raoof, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Leili Panaghi
    Heliyon, Vol. 10, 2024
  3. "Investigating the Effectiveness of Cognitive enhancement on Quality of Life in Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment"
    Fardin Farmani, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Vahid Nejati, Omid Shekari
    Journal of Practice in Clinical Psychology, Vol. 11, pp.177-185, 2023
  4. "Cognitive correlates of maritime pilots' human errors"
    Fatemeh Seyfzadeh Darabad, Vahid Sadeghi-Firoozabadi, Omid Shekari, Morteza Bagheri, Akram Sadeghi Firoozabadi
    SAFETY SCIENCE, Vol. 165, 2023
  5. ""
    Parvin Salehzadeh, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, gholamreza yadegarzadeh
    Journal of Family Relations Studies, Vol. 3, pp.54-63, 2023
  6. "Investigating the role of gender moderator in the effectiveness of the Iranian positive youth development package on the components of social- emotional health"
    Sahar Pahlavan Neshan, Shahla Pakdaman, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahriar Shahidi, Omid Shekari
    Iranian Journal of Health Psychology, Vol. 4, pp.29-46, 2021
  7. "the concept of wisdom in iranain society"
    Mahdi Dasta, Omid Shekari, Shahla Pakdaman, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 13, pp.69-99, 2020
  8. "The relationship between childhood emotional maltreatment and disordered eating behaviors among students Mediating role of emotion dysregulation A cross-sectional study"
    Nasim Ghanei, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari
    Chronic Diseases Journal, Vol. 3, pp.139-151, 2020
  9. "The mediating role of Time Perspective in relationship betweenself efficacy and tendency toward substance abuse in Female Adolesents"
    Maryam Shafikhani, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 12, pp.208-231, 2018
  10. "The Role of Individual and Social Variables in Predicting Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder Symptoms among Iranian Adolescent Girls An Expanding of the Tripartite Influence Model"
    Shima Shahyad, Omid Shekari, Shahla Pakdaman, seyyed hasan saadat
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY, Vol. 28, pp.99-104, 2018
  11. "The Mediating Role of Social-Emotional and Cognitive Skills in Relationship between Home and Preschool Learning Environmentsts with Language Development of 5 and 6 Year-Old Children"
    AZAR FARZIN YASAMI, Omid Shekari
    MAN IN INDIA, Vol. 2, pp.123-146, 2017
  12. "Prediction of Social Comparison Based on Perfectionism, Self-Concept Clarity, and Self-Esteem"
    Mahdi Dasta, Omid Shekari, Shahla Pakdaman, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, Vol. 4, pp.1-8, 2017
  13. "A Preliminary Study Suggesting Similar Relationships Between Impulsivity and Severity of Problematic Internet Use in Male and Female Iranian College Students"
    Omid Shekari, Marc N. Potenza, Mohammad Sanaee pur
    International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Vol. 12, pp.277-287, 2017
  14. "the relation between marital adjustment and posttraumatic growth in infertile couples the mediatory role of religious coping strategies"
    Seyyedefateme Ghafoorisabzevari, Saeed Ghanbari, Hajar Falahzade, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 4, pp.221-229, 2016
  15. "Prediction of body image disfunction from self- esteem thin- ideal internalization and appearance- related social comparison"
    Shima Shahyad, Shahla Pakdaman, Omid Shekari
  16. "Academic Stress as A Health Measure and Its Relationship to Patterns of Emotion in Collectivist and Individualist Cultures Similarities and Differences"
    Kari Trost, Mohammad Naghy Farahani, Shane MacDonald, Reza Kormi Nouri, Omid Shekari
    International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, pp.92-104, 2015
  17. "Study of the Effective Factors on the University Students"
    rihaneh ghadirzadeh, Fariba Pourabolfathe Hashtroudi1, Omid Shekari
    English Language Teaching, Vol. 6, 2013
  18. "Study of the Effective Factors on the University Students Underachievement in English Language Learning"
    reyhaneh ghadirzadeh, fariba hashtroudi, Omid Shekari
    Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 6, pp.122-129, 2013
  19. "Demotivating Factors for English Language Learning Among University Students"
    Reyhaneh Ghadirzadeh, Fariba Pourabolfathe Hashtroudi, Omid Shekari
  20. ""
    Sahar Pahlavan Neshan, Shahla Pakdaman, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahriar Shahidi, Omid Shekari
  21. ""
    Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
  22. ""
    Seyed Mohammad Sadatian, Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
  23. ""
    Jalil Fath Abadi, Elham Kooshki, Saeed Ghanbari, Omid Shekari
  24. "Representation of Faculty Members' Perceptions of Wisdom: A Phenomenological Study"
    Mahdi Dasta, Omid Shekari, Shahla Pakdaman, Jalil Fath Abadi
  25. ""
    Omid Shekari, javad salehi fadardi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Vahid Nejati, Abbas Zabihzadeh Baghlouei
  26. ""
    Elham Kooshki, Saeed Ghanbari, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi
  27. "Emotional and Educational supports in the classroom: The efficacy of the training package of "positive education" for teachers"
    Mohammad Hossein Sharifian, Omid Shekari, Saeed Ghanbari, Jalil Fath Abadi
  28. ""
    Rouhollah Mansouri Sepehr, Mahmood Heidari, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari
  29. ""
    Sahar Pahlavan Neshan, Shahla Pakdaman, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahriar Shahidi, Omid Shekari
  30. ""
    ahmad bayandorian, ali khodayi, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 22, pp.403-417, 2024
  31. ""
    Reza Rahimi, Ali Khodai, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 16, pp.61-82, 2024
  32. ""
    Zahra Maleki, Omid Shekari, Fatemeh Almasi
    Vol. 12, pp.69-80, 2024
  33. ""
    Shirin Moezzodini, Shahla Pakdaman, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 18, pp.9-35, 2024
  34. ""
    Fazel Azmal, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 16, pp.1-30, 2024
  35. ""
    Gholamreza Amiri dahaj, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 20, pp.107-142, 2024
  36. "Teachers' lived experience of factors affecting their emotional and social competencies: a phenomenological study"
    BaharehAlsadat HseidariehZadeh, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Shahriar Shahidi, Saeid Akbari zardkhaneh
    Vol. 16, pp.117-146, 2024
  37. "The Moderating Role of Gender on the Relationship Between Perceived Social Support and Suicide Attitude Among Male and Female Students"
    Shokoufeh Mousavi, Ali Khodaei, Omid Shekari, Elham Sadat Danial
    Vol. 19, pp.156-165, 2024
  38. "Mathematics Motivation Questionnaire (MMQ): Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Farsi Version"
    Mousavi Shokoufeh, Ali Khodaei, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 12, pp.9-20, 2024
  39. "Factorial Validity and Psychometric Properties of the Persian version of the Academic Parenting Scale"
    Ali Khodaei, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 10, pp.30-45, 2023
  40. "The Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Quality of Life and Mental Vitality in Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment"
    Fardin Farmani, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Vahid Nejati, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 18, pp.362-376, 2023
  41. "The Positive Teacher: Development of a Grounded Theory Conceptual Model"
    BaharehAlsadat HseidariehZadeh, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Shahriar Shahidi, Saeid Akbari zardkhaneh
    Vol. 9, pp.1-32, 2023
  42. "Developing of Motivational Design Program Based on Intervention Mapping: Effectiveness on Health-Oriented Academic Lifestyle and Coping Behaviors of Students"
    Fatemeh Rashidipoor, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    Vol. 11, pp.25-44, 2023
  43. "Construct Validity and Psychometric Properties of Farsi Version of the Motivational Persistence Scale in University Students"
    Elham Kooshki, Omid Shekari, Fatemeh Almasi
    Vol. 20, pp.81-99, 2023
  44. ""
    Zahra Khosrojerdi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 12, pp.89-100, 2023
  45. "Development and Preliminary Validation of a Psychological Resilience Test in Gifted Adolescents"
    Fatemeh Almasi, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 15, pp.178-210, 2023
  46. "Psychometric Analysis of the Short Version of the Self-Harm Screening Inventory for Gifted Adolescents"
    Maryam Valimohammdi, Omid Shekari, Mehrangiz Shoaa Kazemi, Mohsen Ahmadi Tahour Soltani
    Vol. 21, pp.193-204, 2023
  47. "The Mediating Role of Psychological Resilience on the Relationship Between Cognitive Appraisals and Cognitive Coping Strategies with Health Behavior and Emotional Well-Being"
    Fatemeh Sabzi, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 77, pp.55-75, 2023
  48. "Development of Psychological Empowerment Comprehensive Package and its Effectiveness on University Students' Health-Oriented Academic Lifestyle Behaviors"
    Elham Kooshki, Saeed Ghanbari, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 19, pp.237-255, 2023
  49. "Factor structure, reliability and validity of forgiveness trait scale (TFC) in Iranian adolescents"
    Akbar Nasiri, Omid Shekari, Zeynab Rezaei
    Rooyesh Psychlogy, Vol. 12, pp.11-20, 2023
  50. "The Positive Psychology of Giftedness: Introducing a Framework for self-care Model"
    ARGHAVAN KIAKAZEMI, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 17, pp.121-142, 2023
  51. "The Relationship Between Mental Toughness with Health-Oriented Academic Lifestyle in Gifted Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Achievement Emotions and Coping Styles"
    FATEMEH ATAIE, Omid Shekari, Shahla Pakdaman
    Vol. 40, pp.29-46, 2023
  52. "Comparing the Effectiveness of Positive, Resilience and Mindfulness Training Packages on Students' Academic Well-Being"
    Morteza Hashemi, Ali Mehdad, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 12, pp.141-152, 2023
  53. "Modeling Causal Relationships between Academic Self-Efficacy, Goal Orientations, Achievement Emotions and Academic Well-being in university students"
    Zahra Shabrokh Foumani, Ali Hoseini Almadani, Hasan Asadzadeh, Javad Khalatbari, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 19, pp.149-171, 2023
  54. "Psychometric properties of the Verbal Efforts Questionnaire among Students"
    Hamzeh Alimoradi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari, Shahriar Shahidi
    Vol. 16, pp.33-48, 2023
  55. "Psychometric Properties for Persian Version of the Ottawa Self-injury Inventoryfunctions Among Adolescents"
    Maryam ValiMohammadi, Mehangiz Shoaa Kazemi, Omid Shekari, Mohsen Ahmadi Tahoor Soltani
    Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 28, pp.508-523, 2023
  56. "The effect of Psychological Resilience Education Program on Negative Automatic Thoughts and Cognitive Coping Strategies"
    Farzaneh Okhovati, Omid Shekari, Ali Khodaei
    Vol. 20, pp.121-133, 2023
  57. ""
    Mahdi Naserzaeim, Reza Mohammadi Chaboki, Khosrow Bagheri, Jalil Fath Abadi, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 7, pp.1-23, 2023
  58. "Development of a Conceptual Model of Students' Motivational Profiles: A Grounded Theory Study"
    Fatemeh Nouri mokhtari, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 14, pp.172-198, 2023
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    Mahdieh Ranjbarnosher, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 1, pp.57-74, 2023
  60. "Developing of Motivational Scaffolding Program based on the Intervention Mapping and Effectiveness on Goal Orientations and Cognitive Appraisal in Parents"
    Fatemeh Rashidipoor, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    Vol. 16, pp.11-41, 2022
  61. "A qualitative model for the emotional problems of children with learning disorders"
    Fateme Mazaheri Tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Omid Shekari, Masoud Sharifi
    Vol. 18, pp.83-113, 2022
  62. "Modeling the Causal Relationships of Resilience and Mindfulness with Subjective Well-being in Individuals with Substance Use Disorder: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation"
    VIDA KHAN, Saeed Imani, Omid Shekari, Jaber Alizadeh goradel
    Vol. 16, pp.121-148, 2022
  63. "The Effect of the Combat Stress Now Program on Cognitive Appraisals, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies, Achievement Emotions and Academic Satisfaction"
    Kazem Rajaee, Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    Vol. 18, pp.327-347, 2022
  64. "Categorization of Components of Learning Outcomes for University"
    Mahdi Akbari, Habib alah Naderi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Omid Shekari
    Iranian Bimonthly of Education Strategies In Medical Sciences, Vol. 15, pp.592-602, 2022
  65. ""
    Mahere Azizi, Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Masoud Sharifi
    Vol. 12, pp.139-161, 2022
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    Seyed mojtaba Malek jafariyan, Omid Shekari, Masoud Sharifi
    Vol. 18, pp.51-72, 2022
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    Mahdi Akbari, Habibolah Naderi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 27, pp.155-197, 2021
  68. "The Effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on depression and apathy among HIV-infected women"
    Fereshteh Rashed, Saeed Imani, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 16, pp.31-44, 2021
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    Akbar Nasiri, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Masoud Sharifi
    Vol. 17, pp.57-92, 2021
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    Mohammad Kahrobaei, Masoud Sharifi, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 17, pp.271-294, 2021
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    Gholam Reza Abbasi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Omid Shekari, Majid Zargham Hajabi
    Vol. 17, pp.365-381, 2021
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    Mona Valeh, Omid Shekari, Hasan Asadzadeh
    Vol. 14, pp.111-145, 2021
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    Gholam Reza Abbasi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Omid Shekari, Majid Zargham Hajabi
    Vol. 9, pp.23-38, 2021
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    Zeynab Ghorbani, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Masoud Sharifi
    Vol. 17, pp.7-31, 2021
  75. ""
    Mona Valeh, Omid Shekari, Hasan Asadzadeh
    Vol. 20, pp.579-596, 2021
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    Omid Shekari, Ali Khodaei, Shirin Moezzodini
    Vol. 15, pp.381-402, 2021
  77. "Objective: The aim of this study was to developing a motivational scaffolding program and evaluate effectiveness on goal orientations and cognitive appraisal in parents. Method: First, the intervention mapping was used to design a motivational scaffolding training program. Then, quasi-experimental r"
    Fatemeh Rashidipoor, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    Vol. 16, pp.11-41, 2021
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    Zahra Azarpour, Omid Shekari, Ali Khodaei
    Vol. 19, pp.41-55, 2021
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    Fatemeh Rashidipoor, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    Vol. 79, pp.254-289, 2021
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    Omid Shekari, Javad Salehi Fadardi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Vahid Nejati, Abbas Zabihzadeh
    Vol. 17, pp.167-179, 2021
  81. "The relationship between parent-adolescent conflict and academic adjustment among adolescents The mediating role of conflict resolution strategies"
    mohammad sadatiam, Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    Vol. 16, pp.387-400, 2020
  82. ""
    AliReza Savadkouhi, Masoud Sharifi, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 21, pp.64-74, 2020
  83. "Structural relations of brain- behavioral systems and emotion regulation difficulties with craving of marijuana in students"
    Negar Memarpour, Saeed Imani, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 7, pp.103-116, 2020
  84. "The Modeling of Structural Relationship of Marital Conflict Concerning Attachment Styles, Narcissism Sensation Seeking, and Marital Burnout in Couples"
    Rezvan Mohammad Sharooni, Omid Shekari, Marjan HoseinzadehTaghvaei, Esmat Danesh, Ahmad Borjali
    Vol. 10, pp.1-9, 2020
  85. ""
    raha normohammadi, Omid Shekari, ali khodayi
    Vol. 12, pp.158-180, 2020
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    Omid Shekari, Fatemeh Rashidipoor, Mohammad Sharifi
    Vol. 14, pp.123-145, 2020
  87. "Iranians' Understanding of Wisdom: The Role of Ethnicity, Gender, Age and Education"
    Mahdi Dasta, Omid Shekari, Shahla Pakdaman, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 6, pp.1-20, 2020
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    Omid Shekari, Pantea Mahdavian, ali khodayi
    Vol. 8, pp.21-34, 2020
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    Somayeh Mohebi, Omid Shekari, ali khodaei
    Vol. 10, pp.87-113, 2020
  90. ""
    Fatemeh Rashidipoor, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    Vol. 16, pp.197-234, 2020
  91. "A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Penn Resilience Program (PRP) in Reducing Psychological Distress and Improving Explanatory Style in Students"
    Elham Kooshki, Omid Shekari, Saeed Ghanbari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 7, pp.9-22, 2020
  92. ""
    , Jalil Fath Abadi, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 9, pp.21-38, 2020
  93. "The Model of Causal Relationships of Antecedents and Consequences of Health-Oriented Academic Lifestyle in girl Gifted Students"
    Sahar Soufi, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 9, pp.35-71, 2019
  94. ""
    Fatemeh Erfanifar, Fariba Zarani, Omid Shekari, shadi Kabiri Agh Ziarat
    Vol. 6, pp.112-123, 2019
  95. ""
    Reza Chamani, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 7, pp.1-14, 2019
  96. ""
    saeid imani, Yasamin Alkhalil, Omid Shekari
    Psychology and Educational Sciences, Vol. 16, pp.1-28, 2019
  97. "The effectiveness of Attributional Retraining Program on cognitive appraisal processes, conflict resolution strategies and marital adjustment"
    Omid Shekari, Leila Matini Yekta
    Vol. 13, pp.409-431, 2019
  98. "Effect of cognitive social skills training on positive relationships with others and adjustment of students"
    Sedighe Kabiri, Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    Vol. 21, pp.105-119, 2019
  99. "The Effectiveness of the Enrichment of Interpersonal Relationship Skills Program on Causal Attributions, Interpersonal Conflict Solution Strategies, Cognitive Coping Skills and Perceived Positive Relations with Others"
    Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    Vol. 15, pp.287-308, 2019
  100. "Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Internal Consistency of the Civic Moral Disengagement Scale-Farsi version among University Students Author's Name Considering the Same Items Mentioned Above in Persian Section"
    Ali Khodaei, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 8, pp.25-40, 2019
  101. "The Mediating Role of Coping Strategies in the Relationship between Perceived Social Support and Postpartum Depression"
    Farzane Abolghasem Firoozkoohi, Masoud Sharifi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 17, pp.57-86, 2019
  102. ""
    zahra motaghian, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 9, pp.109-143, 2019
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    Mohammad Sharifi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Omid Shekari, Shahla Pakdaman
    Vol. 7, pp.9-24, 2019
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    Saeed Imani, Yasamin Alkhalil, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 16, pp.1-28, 2019
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    Mohammad Hossein Sharifian, Jalil Fath Abadi, Omid Shekari, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 18, pp.765-772, 2019
  106. "The effect of social conformity on decision making under risk and uncertainty among university students"
    Reza Chamani, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari
    pp.1-16, 2019
  107. "Causal Explanation of Academic and Social Positive Emotions based on Social Cognition: Mediating Role of Social Achievement Goals"
    Saman Kamari, Mahbobeh Foladchang, Farhad Khormaei, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 13, pp.199-230, 2019
  108. "Comparison of the Effectiveness of Group Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy in the Reduction Craving in Opiate Addicts"
    Arash Sedaghat Zadeh, Saeed Imani, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 12, pp.243-268, 2019
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    zahrasadat mirhashemi rotih, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 6, pp.37-52, 2019
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    sohrab sahraei, Omid Shekari, -mehdi -khanbani, Elham Hakimi Rad
    Vol. 14, pp.53-84, 2018
  111. "The effect of reversibility of choice on attitude change in cognitive dissonance: Free choice paradigm"
    Rouhollah Mansouri Sepehr, Mahmood Heidari, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 12, pp.319-337, 2018
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    siyardoust arezo, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 7, pp.75-100, 2018
  113. "The relationship of moral intelligence with attitude toward infidelity in children of with and without experience of parents' infidelity"
    Samira Akbarpoor, Mansoureh alsadat Sadeghi, Taghi Pourebrahim, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 8, pp.126-146, 2018
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    Somayeh Mohebi, Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    Vol. 15, pp.83-99, 2018
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    Omid Shekari, mohammadazad abdollah pour, ali taghvayinia
    Vol. 6, pp.31-42, 2018
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    , Omid Shekari, mojgan sepahmansour, sara ebrahimi
    Vol. 4, pp.329-341, 2018
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    Azarmeydokht mohammadi, Omid Shekari, Mojgan Sepah mansour
    Vol. 13, pp.164-176, 2018
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    Fatemeh Erfanifar, Fariba Zarani, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 6, pp.93-108, 2018
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    ZAHRASADAT RAZAVIALAVI, Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    Vol. 7, pp.95-135, 2018
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    Sareh FardAfshari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 2, pp.1-19, 2018
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    Parvin Salehzadeh, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 13, pp.1-24, 2018
  122. ""
    Parvin Salehzadeh, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 8, pp.61-105, 2018
  123. "The Effect of Attributional Retraining Program on Achievement Emotions and Academic Engagement Among University Students"
    Zahra Gashtasbi, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Masoud Sharifi
    Vol. 4, pp.23-38, 2017
  124. "Psychometric Analysis of the Perceived Emotional Intelligence Scale among Teachers"
    Sara Ebrahimi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 8, pp.179-194, 2017
  125. ""
    Zahra Baghi, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Mahmood Heidari
    Vol. 11, pp.49-81, 2017
  126. "Sex Differences in Academic Self-Handicapping: The Role of Achievement Goal Orientations"
    Elaheh Goudarznaseri, Omid Shekari, saman kamari
    Vol. 12, pp.128-140, 2017
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    Zahra Royaee, Omid Shekari, Fatemeh Bagherian, Masoud Sharifi
    Vol. 12, pp.143-152, 2017
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    Masoomeh Taghadosi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Omid Shekari, Abbas Zabihzadeh Baghlouei
    Vol. 10, pp.97-122, 2017
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    Sareh FardAfshari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 9, pp.1-19, 2017
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    Omid Shekari, noushin tamizi, mohammad azad abdollahpour, Zohre Sadat akhavi, masoumeh abdolkhaleghi
    Vol. 7, pp.137-158, 2017
  131. "Cognitive Appraisal Processes Achievement Emotions and Academic Engagement A Mediating Analysis"
    farzaneh davoodvandi, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 13, pp.183-198, 2017
  132. "Effectiveness of the Attributional Retraining Program on Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Academic Resilience among University Students"
    Omid Shekari, Zahra Gashtasbi, Masoud Sharifi, Jalil Fath Abadi, seyed peyman rahiminejad
    Vol. 2, pp.51-66, 2016
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    Maryam Shafikhani, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 10, pp.11-24, 2016
  134. "Emotional adjustment reactivity to perceived stress and lifestyle behaviors"
    zohre sadat sadat akhavi, Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Masoud Sharifi
    Vol. 10, pp.47-89, 2016
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    Haniyeh Lavaf, Saeed Ghanbari, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 12, pp.413-425, 2016
  136. "psychometric analysis of the stress appraisal measure revised among university students"
    Omid Shekari, noushin tamizi, mohammad azad abdollahpour , mohammad mohsen khodami
    Vol. 18, pp.1-11, 2016
  137. ""
    Pegah Nejat, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari,
    Vol. 18, pp.27-39, 2016
  138. "Psychometric Properties of the Emotional Adjustment Measure among Iranian Students"
    Mohammad Hossein Sanaeepour, Omid Shekari, zahra royaei, zahra ghareh tapei
    Vol. 6, pp.77-97, 2016
  139. "Casual relations model of antecedents and consequences of health behaviors in university students"
    Mahsa Amid, Omid Shekari, Fariba Zarani
    Vol. 10, pp.1-19, 2016
  140. "The Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Internal Consistency of Class -Related Emotion Scales (CRES)"
    Behzad Sattari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 12, pp.129-150, 2016
  141. ""
    ali khodaei, hosein zare, ahmad alipour, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 10, pp.387-405, 2016
  142. "The pattern of reliance on moral foundations within mental representations of ideal society, and moral and immoral behaviors in an Iranian sample"
    Pegah Nejat, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari, Javad Hatami
    Vol. 18, pp.27-39, 2016
  143. ""
    Behzad Sattari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari
  144. ""
    Haniyeh Lavaf, Saeed Ghanbari, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 12, pp.413-425, 2016
  145. ""
    Pegah Nejat, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 18, pp.27-39, 2016
  146. "Cross Cultural Validation of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support among Iranian and Swedish University Students"
    Omid Shekari, reza kormi nouri, mohammad naghi farahani, ali reza moradi
    Vol. 9, pp.75-100, 2016
  147. "Mediation of Conflict Handling Styles in the Relation between Virtues and Marital Satisfaction"
    Hossein Naderi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 11, pp.417-438, 2016
  148. ""
    , Omid Shekari
    Vol. 46, pp.199-211, 2016
  149. ""
    zahra fatehi peykan, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 2, pp.89-108, 2016
  150. "The effectiveness of intervention package of regulate achievement emotions on reduce students negative emotions"
    Behzad Sattari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 4, pp.75-93, 2016
  151. ""
    Sara Ebrahimi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 6, pp.211-230, 2016
  152. ""
    asiyeh ardani, Jalil Fath Abadi, Omid Shekari, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani
    Vol. 31, pp.121-138, 2016
  153. ""
    sara salvate, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 11, pp.379-389, 2016
  154. "The mediating role of academic stress on the relationship between fear of negative evaluation with emotional well-being in gifted and non-gifted Adolescents"
    Reyhaneh Pasbani, Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    Vol. 1, pp.57-72, 2015
  155. ""
    Omid Shekari, , ,
    pp.83-105, 2015
  156. ""
    , , , Omid Shekari
    Vol. 2, pp.1-20, 2015
  157. ""
    , Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Mahmood Heidari
    Vol. 9, pp.63-122, 2015
  158. ""
    mohammad azad abdollahpour, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 7, pp.90-108, 2015
  159. ""
    , Omid Shekari
    Vol. 22, pp.41-62, 2015
  160. "Psychometric Properties of Health-Promoting life Profile-II among university Students"
    Omid Shekari, noushin tamizi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, mohammad azad abdollahpour, zohreh sadat sadat akhavi, Haniyeh Lavaf
    Vol. 6, pp.41-60, 2015
  161. ""
    Sara Salavati, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 11, pp.379-389, 2015
  162. "Psychometric analysis scale of dysfunctional attitude towards children and adolescents"
    Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Maryam Aghaei, Mohammad Sanaee pur
    Vol. 9, pp.47-56, 2015
  163. ""
    , Omid Shekari
    Vol. 5, pp.31-65, 2015
  164. ""
    Behzad Sattari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 6, pp.31-52, 2015
  165. ""
    Omid Shekari
    Vol. 22, pp.133-142, 2015
  166. "Validation of the Achievement Goal Questionnaire-Revised Among University Students"
    Omid Shekari, tamizi noshin, mohammadazad abdollahpour, ali taghvaiinia
    Vol. 4, pp.107-122, 2015
  167. ""
    , Omid Shekari
    Vol. 5, pp.178-208, 2015
  168. ""
    Pegah Nejat, Fatemeh Bagherian, , Omid Shekari
    Vol. 4, pp.109-126, 2015
  169. "Examining social-cognitive characteristics of the mental representation of moral concerns: Grouping, motivational orientation, and relational context of moral foundations"
    Pegah Nejat, Fatemeh Bagherian, Javad Hatami, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 4, pp.109-126, 2015
  170. ""
    masomeh abdolkhaleghi, Omid Shekari, ,
    Vol. 4, pp.40-60, 2015
  171. ""
    Javad Karimiamogean, Jalil Fath Abadi, Shahla Pakdaman, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 4, pp.139-160, 2015
  172. ""
    Ahmad Goudarzi, Omid Shekari, Masoud Sharifi
    Vol. 18, pp.346-364, 2015
  173. ""
    , Omid Shekari, ,
    Vol. 4, pp.16-31, 2015
  174. ""
    hosin zare, ali khodayi, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 42, pp.135-145, 2015
  175. ""
    , , , Omid Shekari
    Archives of Rehabilitation, pp.53-63, 2015
  176. ""
    , , Omid Shekari
    Vol. 11, pp.135-145, 2015
  177. ""
    , Omid Shekari
    pp.46-58, 2014
  178. ""
    Amir Hossein Komijani Bozchelouei, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, , Omid Shekari, Pegah Nejat
    Vol. 4, pp.127-142, 2014
  179. ""
    Haniyeh Lavaf, Omid Shekari, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 1, pp.3-18, 2014
  180. ""
    Omid Shekari, Shahriar Shahidi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Jalil Fath Abadi, seyed peiman rahiminejad, -mehdi -khanbani
    Vol. 7, pp.165-193, 2014
  181. ""
    Omid Shekari, mohammad naghi farahani, reza karami noori, alireza moradi
    Vol. 2, pp.57-69, 2014
  182. ""
    Omid Shekari, Shahriar Shahidi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Jalil Fath Abadi, ,
    Vol. 4, pp.165-190, 2014
  183. ""
    Omid Shekari, mohammad naghi farahani, reza karami noori, alireza moradi
    Vol. 8, pp.1-15, 2014
  184. ""
    , Shahriar Shahidi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Omid Shekari
    pp.27-36, 2014
  185. "Occupational Stress Coping Strategies and Strains A Model of Gender Invariance"
    Azam Sadeghi Vazin, Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Fatemeh Bagherian
    Vol. 10, pp.393-408, 2014
  186. ""
    , Shahriar Shahidi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Omid Shekari
  187. ""
    sarasadat seyed taheri, Omid Shekari, ahmad godarzi
    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 23, pp.69-79, 2014
  188. ""
    Omid Shekari
    Vol. 8, pp.37-61, 2014
  189. ""
    maream safaee, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 2, pp.13-22, 2014
  190. ""
    , Shahriar Shahidi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Omid Shekari
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 1, pp.86-96, 2014
  191. ""
    Poopak Mirkhani, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 8, pp.57-77, 2014
  192. "Effectiveness of Pennsylvania resiliency program on attribution styles and psychological adjustment in college students"
    , Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, seyad peyman rahimi nejgad
    Vol. 8, pp.85-105, 2014
  193. ""
    , Omid Shekari
    Vol. 5, pp.193-215, 2014
  194. ""
    Omid Shekari, Ahmad Goudarzi, Masoud Sharifi
    Vol. 9, pp.83-94, 2014
  195. ""
    , Shahriar Shahidi, Jalil Fath Abadi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 8, pp.27-36, 2014
  196. "Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised among Shahid Beheshti University Teachers"
    Omid Shekari, Azam Sadeghi Vazin, Fatemeh Bagherian, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Esmaeil Azadi
    Vol. 5, pp.23-36, 2014
  197. ""
    , Omid Shekari
    Vol. 10, pp.175-185, 2014
  198. ""
    Anvar Nouri, Omid Shekari, Masoud Sharifi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 7, pp.59-76, 2014
  199. ""
    , Omid Shekari
    Vol. 1, pp.83-100, 2014
  200. ""
    Omid Shekari, reza kormi-nouri, mohammad naghi farahani, alireza moradi
     JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Vol. 7, pp.35-42, 2013
  201. ""
    Fatemeh Taati, Omid Shekari, Shahriar Shahidi
    Vol. 8, pp.73-90, 2013
  202. ""
    Omid Shekari, Ahmad Goudarzi, Masoud Sharifi
    Vol. 2, pp.75-94, 2013
  203. ""
    alireza aghayousefi, ali khodayi, Omid Shekari
    Psychology and Educational Sciences, Vol. 10, pp.22-47, 2013
  204. ""
    mahnaz aliakbari dehkordi, ali khodaee, Omid Shekari, zohreh daneshvarpoor
    Vol. 9, pp.237-248, 2013
  205. "Structural relationships between objective pressures academic stress coping styles reaction to stressors and academic satisfaction"
    , Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, ,
    Vol. 7, pp.111-128, 2013
  206. ""
    Atenasadat Mohajeri, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Omid Shekari, katayoon khooshabi
    Vol. 7, pp.21-38, 2013
  207. ""
    Reyhaneh Pasbani, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 3, pp.76-94, 2013
  208. ""
    Omid Shekari, mohammad naghi farahani, reza kormi-nouri, alireza moradi
    Vol. 9, pp.143-156, 2013
  209. ""
    mohammad azad abdollahpour, Omid Shekari, sadegh taghiloo, saeed toulabi, khadijeh fooladvand
    Vol. 6, pp.103-118, 2012
  210. ""
    Mona Malekian Jebeli, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 8, pp.291-303, 2012
  211. ""
    , , , , Omid Shekari
    Vol. 5, pp.74-90, 2012
  212. ""
    , Omid Shekari, , ,
     JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Vol. 5, pp.209-216, 2011
  213. ""
    , Omid Shekari, , ,
    Vol. 7, pp.65-94, 2011
  214. ""
    Omid Shekari, saeed toulabi, ziba ghanaee, ali taghvaeenia, keivan kakabaraee, khadijeh fooladvand
    Vol. 3, pp.47-61, 2011
  215. ""
    sadegh taghilu, Omid Shekari, ,
    Vol. 7, pp.331-338, 2011
  216. ""
    Omid Shekari, reza kormi-nouri, mohammad naghi farahani, alireza moradi
    Vol. 4مسلسل 14, pp.277-283, 2011
  217. ""
    Omid Shekari, mohammad naghi farahani, reza kormi nouri, alireza moradi
    Vol. 4, pp.1-19, 2011
  218. ""
    fariborz geravand, Omid Shekari, monireh parsian, melita puklek, ali khodaee, saeed toolabi, mohamad hasan Afzale
    Vol. 7, pp.165-174, 2011
  219. ""
    saeed toulabi, hasan asadzadeh, alireza moradi, mohammad naghi farahani, Omid Shekari
    pp.51-69, 2010
  220. ""
    Omid Shekari, masoomeh abdolkhaleghi, mohammad hassan afzali, fariborz geravand, maryam paeezi, saeed toolabi
    Vol. 6, pp.307-315, 2010
  221. ""
    sadegh taghiloo, mahdiyeh salehi, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 4, pp.63-76, 2010

Conference Paper

    Arash Sedaghat Zadeh, Saeed Imani, Omid Shekari, Mohammad Hosein Alimardani, zahra rahmati pour
    12 th annual international Addiction Science Cingress (ASC2018), No 12 , pp.236-237, 2018
    nina sadeghi, Saeed Imani, Omid Shekari
    the anuual international addiction science congress (ASC2017), No 11 , pp.472-473, 2017
  3. "Mental representation of morality The endorsement pattern of moral foundations among Iranians"
    Pegah Nejat, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari,
    sixth International Conference of Cognitive Science, pp.72-76, 2015
  4. ""
    Alireza Nikakhtar, Masoud Sharifi, Omid Shekari, mohamad reza amin davar
    , No 7 , pp.1-13, 2021
  5. ""
    Fatemeh Seyfzadeh Darabad, Vahid Sadeghi-Firoozabadi, Morteza Bagheri, Omid Shekari, Akram Sadeghi Firoozabadi
    , 2021
  6. "Identifying the components of positive adolescent development in Iranian society"
    Sahar Pahlavan Neshan, Shahla Pakdaman, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahriar Shahidi, Omid Shekari
    The first Iranian congress of positive psychology, No 1 , pp.1-1, 2019
  7. ""
    Sahar Pahlavan Neshan, Shahla Pakdaman, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahriar Shahidi, Omid Shekari
    The first Iranian congress of positive psychology, 2019
  8. ""
    Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Fatemeh Rashidipoor
    , 2018
  9. ""
    Omid Shekari, Parvin Salehzadeh, Jalil Fath Abadi
    , 2018
  10. ""
    Narges Almal, Ali Zadeh mohammadi, Masoud Sharifi, Omid Shekari
    , 2018
  11. ""
    Sedighe Kabiri, Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    10th International Congress for Psychotherapy / Asian, 2018
  12. ""
    Sedighe Kabiri, Omid Shekari, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri
    10th International Congress for Psychotherapy / Asian, 2018
  13. ""
    Narges Almal, reza rezaii taheri, Ali Zadeh mohammadi, Omid Shekari
    , 2017
  14. "relatinship between the traditional arehiteeture of iran architeeture and hyperactivity apartment architeeture in children aged 12-7 and the happiness of their parents in yazd"
    Omid Shekari
    , 2017
  15. ""
    narges almal, reza rezaei taheri, Ali Zadeh mohammadi, Omid Shekari
    , No 2 , pp.1-15, 2017
  16. ""
    narges almal, Omid Shekari, Ali Zadeh mohammadi, Masoud Sharifi
    , No 1 , pp.20-20, 2017
  17. ""
    Pantea Firouzi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari
    , 2016
  18. ""
    Parvin Salehzadeh, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    , No 1 , pp.347-350, 2016
  19. ""
    masoumeh abdolkhaleghi, Omid Shekari
    , No 1 , pp.158-162, 2016
  20. ""
    Taghi Pourebrahim, Mohsen Hajisheykhi, Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Omid Shekari
    , pp.1-19, 2016
  21. ""
    Mahboobeh Karamooz, Neda Nazar Boland, Omid Shekari
    , 2016
  22. ""
    Zahra Royaee, Omid Shekari, Fatemeh Bagherian
    , No 3 , pp.131-142, 2016
  23. ""
    Zahra Royaee, Omid Shekari, Fatemeh Bagherian
    , 2016
  24. ""
    Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari
    , No 3 , pp.652-658, 2016
  25. ""
    Zahra Tarighi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari
    , 2015
  26. ""
    Maryam Shafikhani, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari
    , No 2 , pp.47-47, 2015
  27. "Virtues as predictors of marital satisfaction the mediating role of conflict styles"
    Hossein Naderi, Hossein Pourshahriar Keleshteri, Omid Shekari
    , 2014
  28. ""
    Poopak Mirkhani, Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari
    , No 2 , pp.91-98, 2014
  29. ""
    Asharaf Bahri, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Omid Shekari, Mahmood Heidari
    , 2014
  30. ". Effectiveness of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy on Parental Self-Efficacy of Mothers of Children with High-Functioning Autism"
    Atenasadat Mohajeri, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Omid Shekari,
    5th international congress of child and adolescent psychiatry, 2012
  31. ""
    Fatemeh Bagherian, Omid Shekari
    The 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, No 3 , 2005